Whereas typically full time faculty are assigned three Weighted Teaching Units (WTU's) of indirect instructional activity in recognition of service that is not direct instruction while part time faculty are typically assigned WTU's solely for direct instruction.
Therefore be it
Resolved that the Academic Senate recommends that service by a lecturer elected to the Academic Senate be recognized by the assignment of one WTU compensated at the same rate as the lecturer's direct instructional assignment, provided that such assignment not result in a total WTU assignment to the lecturer exceeding fifteen WTU's.
Resolved that the Academic Senate recommends that the WTU's assigned for Academic Senate service to Lecturers elected to the Academic Senate be administered by the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate.
Resolved that the Academic Senate recommends that the pool of WTU's administered by the Executive Committee be increased or reassigned to recognize the assignment of WTU's to Lecturers.