Commendation for Laurel Holmstrom-Keyes Sonoma State University (SSU) Academic Senate Analyst 2001-2018
Whereas, Laurel Holmstrom-Keyes was “made in the CSU,” having completed her BA in Anthropology at SSU in 1994; and
Whereas, Laurel has served as Academic Senate Analyst for the SSU Academic Senate for 17 years; and
Whereas, Laurel’s hiring committee unanimously and enthusiastically stole her away from the Sociology and Criminal Justice programs—a choice that disappointed faculty in those departments and thrilled the faculty at large—in what the Faculty Chair at the time characterized as one of his “few indisputable successful collaborations with management;” and
Whereas, Laurel has managed to successfully work with a wide variety of Senate Chairs, whose varying personalities posed innumerable challenges which she handles with diplomacy and grace; and
Whereas, Laurel has the talent and flexibility to meet every task put in front of her and the initiative to go above and beyond and then some; and
Whereas, Laurel was the architect of the proposal for the Dispute Resolution Board and shepherded it through the labyrinth of the senate and administrative approval process, thereby creating a more streamlined and ultimately fairer grievance and grade appeals process to the great benefit of Sonoma State’s students and faculty; and
Whereas, Laurel was the originator and almost single-handedly the progenitor of the LGBT-friendly “Safe Zone Ally” program, one of the first programs on campus to specifically address the needs of our LGBT colleagues; and
Whereas, Laurel enriched the university curriculum by teaching Feminist Theology/Women’s Spirituality on a regular basis for the Women’s and Gender Studies Department; and
Whereas, Laurel has done great service to the SSU-Emeritus and Retired Faculty and Staff Association (ERFSA) Board, handling all of the administrative work they require; and
Whereas, In addition to her many other talents, Laurel is a licensed minister, and used her authority to marry a former Senate Chair in what was by all accounts a moving and joyful ceremony; and
Whereas, Laurel has left an indelible mark on Sonoma State University through her outstanding work on behalf of shared governance; therefore be it
Resolved: That the SSU Academic Senate express its appreciation to Laurel Holmstrom-Keyes for her hard work on behalf of the Academic Senate and its standing committees and her deep commitment to the entire SSU community; and be it further
Resolved: That the SSU Academic Senate wish Laurel good times, good friends and joy as she embarks on the next stage of her journey after her time at SSU.